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Almost all organization reaches to Big Data Maturity level during its journey of operation. The organization which implements Big Data first time, does assessment first. There are various frameworks used to assess. These frameworks are KDD, CRISP-DM, SEMMA, OSEMN, and TDSP. Out of these, CRISP-DM is widely used. While TDSP – Team Data Science Process is new and recently developed by Microsoft.
The organization, which is already practicing Big Data from some time or long time, faces different set of challenges. The organization is not able to encash the value locked away within that data despite of massive growth of data. There are a number of underlying cascaded challenges which prevents to encash the values. The biggest fact is Data will remain distributed, stored all over the place, and will appear in more and more systems.
Find Technical specification (identification and representation) of data, representing individual business unit. How this technical specification is configured in entire data ecosystem of the organization along with others considering boundaries and layers in between. How this technical specification of individual business unit is interacting with the rest of data ecosystem.
Technical data specification of individual business unit can be identified with the following set of questionnaire.
In addition to identifying Technical Specification, there is a requirement of Efficient Techniques. Efficient techniques include , Parallel processing and heavy optimizations regularly lead to performance improvements for your analysis.